A lighting control console (also called a lightboar lighting board , or lighting desk) is an electronic device used in theatrical lighting design to control multiple lights at once. From the smallest portable systems to the largest permanent installations, the lighting board is the soul of your lighting setup! This can range from adjusting the “levels” on stage lighting dimmers to controlling complex intelligent lighting systems and media servers.

Although there are many different types of lighting control, a great. We’re launching a new web series: Working in Theatre , which offers a glimpse into the many different jobs in the field—in the words of the people who do them. The Stage Lighting Guide, an introduction to stage lighting techniques and terminologies for schools, amateur theatre groups and beginners.
We also offer free, professional theatre lighting advice to help you light up your stage. Give us a call or click above to see our selection. Shopping online is easy - we accept all major credit car Paypal (with PayPal credit for financing) and we accept purchase. Electronic Theatre Controls, Inc. This typically specifies the approximate lighting focus and direction, a reference number, accessories, and the channel number of the dimmer system or lighting control console.

Free Delivery on Eligible Orders! A section of a lighting control board (sometimes a separate unit) which provides an alternative method of control should the main board fail. BACKLIGHT Light coming from upstage, behind scenery or actors, to sculpt and separate them from the background. Intense “sunlight” onstage and the attendant light of the bright sky together produce reflected light that diffuses or fills in shadows, while the ambient light of the stage “Moon” reflected from sky, trees, and buildings is too weak to wash out the shadows.
Two Scene Preset Up to 1channels of two scene preset control are available in modules of channels. Each manual fader is equipped with a Flash button with. A lighting board is used in mainly in theatre , on stages, film and studios of all sorts in which it allows the program operator to vary the intensities of the lights being used on the set. There are always several lighting instruments used on a set to illuminate and a 1 is not a desired intensity as these lights put out a lot of heat due to their.

Find great deals on eBay for LED Light Board in Other Hydroponics. High Powered LED ( Light Emitting Diode) technology means that we can now use those funny little glowing things that used to live on the front of your television, in theatre shows, live music gigs and corporate shows. The lighting is rarely used a 1 always. LED fixtures have many advantages over “old fashioned” lanterns that make them attractive in stage lighting.
Frequently, the master electrician operates the board during shows. The sound Board operator uses the sound equipment to play back sound effects for a specific production. SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES: The sound board operation is responsible for knowing how to use each piece of sound equipment involved in the production.

From Control Desks to Dimmers, Luminaires, Moving Lights, Cables and Adaptors we offer a first class service, competitive pricing and a constantly changing used lighting stock. Depending on the scale and type of production, the board op may be responsible for. Light Source: Anything that emits light , such as an arc or a filament, or in early stage light , the flame of a burning wick or gas. Light Spill: A general term used to describe any stray light , including light leak. What to discover more about sound design for theatre ? After studying engineering and theatre technology at the Carnegie Institute of Technology (now Carnegie-Mellon University) in Pittsburgh he went to the Goodman Theatre in Chicago and then on to New York City where he began a fifty year career in Light.
Online shopping for Light Signs from a great selection at Lighting Store. A computerized light board. A tryout of the completed costumes by the actors for the costume designer and director so that necessary changes can be made before opening night.
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